


Biosynthetic pathway design of natural products
Through bioinformatics analysis, computer model prediction and other technical means, combined with methods such as metabolomics and transcriptomics, the key genes of the synthetic pathway of high economic value natural products are mined and locked, and the feasibility of the designed synthetic pathway is verified by model strains.
Build and optimize biosynthetic pathways
Through gene cloning, DNA recombination technology, homologous recombination or CRISPR gene editing technology, the target gene can be overexpressed, integrated or deleted in host cells, and the rapid construction of natural product biosynthesis pathway can be realized. The biosynthesis of natural products is usually a multi-step pathway involving a variety of genes and their control elements. The modification and optimization of these genes or control elements can improve the product yield. On the basis of existing synthetic pathways, precise regulation of genes is achieved through promoter and transcription factor engineering, and target product modification is efficiently achieved through modular engineering.
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